14 Easy Tasks for Your June Home Maintenance Cheat Sheet [Printable]

June is my favorite time of year.  The temps are warm (but not too hot), the days are getting longer, and summer vacation beckons.  But before we get swept away in summer excitement, it’s important we dedicate some time to ensuring our homes are fully prepared for the season.  Here’s your June home maintenance cheat sheet (free printable) to make that happen.

announcement of June Home Maintenance Cheat Sheets for homeowners - free pdf one-page printable checklist

Why a Checklist?

We all know that the main reason we do home maintenance is to create a home we love and avoid costly repairs.  But let’s face it, keeping track of all your home maintenance tasks needs feels overwhelming. Unless, of course, you have a home maintenance “to-do lists” to keep you on track. 

I’ve encountered a ton of printable home maintenance checklists online.  Some I liked, but none really hit the nail on the head (pun intended) for my needs.  

So I decided to create and share my own monthly home maintenance checklists for your convenience. We are all in this homeownership thing together, right?

[Note:  I’m working on an annual home maintenance checklist – stay tuned!]

June Home Maintenance Cheat Sheet

First, I will say that my June cheat sheet isn’t as long as the spring months. Yippee!!!  Why?  Because like you, I’d rather push through home maintenance in the spring so that come summer, I can relax and enjoy.  

As you’ve seen in my other month-by month home maintenance checklists, these cheat sheets are divided into the below 4 sections to make things easier.  

  1. Safety and Security
  2. Exterior Maintenance
  3. Spring Cleanup
  4. Interior Maintenance

What I like about this is that there are usually 4 weeks (or weekends) in a month.  If you don’t feel like tackling the entire checklist in one day or weekend, you can pick a section to do each weekend.

Look at me, already organizing you 😉

[Click here to jump right down to the printable pdf checklist. Sure, there’s a lot of great info below BUT I get it, you want to jump right to the checklist….. 😉]

1. Safety & Security

When it comes to home maintenance, safety and security should always be top priorities. Last month you inspected your indoor electrical and recycled hazardous materials.   Here’s your tasks for this month.  

Check Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors 

Test your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors monthly by pushing the test button and ensure the batteries are fresh.  If the units run on batteries, they should be changed twice a year.  Rule of thumb is to change the batteries when the clocks change.  However, some folks like to kick it off at the beginning of the new year.  If that’s you, then it’s been 6 months and it’s a good idea to change your batteries.

And remember, these detectors aren’t meant to last forever. Check the expiration date and replace them as needed.

Thwart Thieves

Burglars are smart – they know that summer is the perfect time to find homes to rob since a lot of people take a vacation or two.  So before you head out on summer vacation, make sure your home isn’t an easy target for burglars. There’s a variety of things you can do to increase security, including:

  • Trim bushes and trees to eliminate hiding places 
  • Install motion sensor lights 
  • Consider a security system with cameras 

For more ideas (including FREE ways to increase security around your home), read here.

Review Summer Safety

I don’t mean to scare you, but with hotter weather comes the risk of heatstroke, sunburns, drownings (pools), and fires (from fire pits). 

Update your family’s emergency contact information and evacuation plan. Check and restock emergency kits to ensure you’re prepared for any situation.

2. Exterior Maintenance 

Now onto the outside of your home.  Last month for May you spent time touching up paint, freshening up walkways, etc….  June is the a  good time to complete these activities. 

Inspect Deck

The last thing you need while entertaining this summer is a deck on its last legs.  Inspect deck boards, railings,  foundations.  Are they showing rot or small holes?  Take a good look at your deck’s ledger board (the piece that connects the deck to your main structure). If it’s starting to pull away, contact a contractor and get it replaced asap.  


Tips for restoring an old deck - make sure you don't make the same mistakes!

Check Spring Cheat Sheets

If you used my spring cheat sheets, then you know that I pushed you this summer on home maintenance.  I listed a TON of exterior maintenance tasks.  And if you completed them, then you are a better person than me.  I certainly didn’t get to everything.

Use June as a time to catch up.  Maybe the weather didn’t cooperate and you didn’t get to everything.  Or maybe, life happened.  Take this month to go through the March, April and May cheat sheets and complete any exterior maintenance you missed.  

3. Interior Maintenance

Last month you spent a considerable amount of time and energy finishing up spring cleaning like washing windows, installing window AC units, etc.  If already completed, then relax!  This month let’s reel it back in and enjoy the summer.  

Room of the Month

Every month I usually pick a room to focus on for a declutter, deep clean and organizing.  However, for the summer, I take a break. No deep cleaning for my favorite time of year.  You’re welcome.  

That being said, if you missed the rooms listed for deep cleaning in March, April or May (home office, mudroom, garage, bedroom, or laundry room), this is your time to catch up.  

Switch Out HVAC Filter

Replace the air filter on your HCAV system according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to maintain optimal performance and efficiency. For some that’s every month, for others it’s every 3 months.  During the summer and winter months (when our systems tend to work harder), you may choose to change them monthly.  Heat and moisture that comes with a higher temperature (esp with heavy rains in the Southern states) increases the change of mold and mildew, which can lead to indoor air issues.  

Clean Fireplace 

I know, I know, the last thing you are thinking of is cuddling up to a cozy fire.  BUT this is a great time to schedule a professional to inspect and clean your fireplace and get ahead of the fall rush.  

Clean and Switch Fan Direction

I’m told that switching the orientation of a ceiling fan to run counterclockwise will push cool air downwards.  In all honesty, I’m not sure this actually works BUT I’m adding it to the list.  I’ll let you decide – I’d love to hear your thoughts.  

Before you switch the direction of a ceiling fan, it’s the now is the best time to clean if you haven’t done so in a few months.  My preferred method is using a pillowcase.  

Increase Appliance Efficiency

Your appliances work hard year-round. Let’s make sure they are running efficiently which 1. help you save money on your energy bill and 2. extend the lifespan of your appliances long term.   

Keep your refrigerator running frosty by vacuuming the coils and making sure the ice maker is working.   Check dishwasher and washing machine hoses for leaks and replace them if necessary to prevent water damage. Clean out your dryer vents.

4. Yard & Garden

For me, June is when my garden shines – lush green and flowers abloom.  And it hasn’t gotten too hot out that you are dealing with the dry season and wilted plants.  

If you relied on the yard & garden sections for the April and May cheat sheets, then your yard and garden is ready for the summer.  But yards & gardens need constant maintenance during the summer, so below I’ve listed the chores that need to be done monthly. 

Control Pests 

Summer months often bring unwelcome pests like ants, mosquitos, and rodents. Inspect your home’s foundation and entry points for signs of pests. Address any ant or insect problems with baits or sprays. Consider natural repellents like citronella candles or planting mint around your property to deter unwanted visitors.

Check Sprinkler System

Inspect your irrigation system for leaks or broken sprinkler heads. Adjust the watering schedule based on the weather to conserve water and keep your plants thriving.

Weed & Mulch

Summer is prime time for many plants to thrive – including weeds. Regularly weed your flower beds to prevent unwanted competition for water and nutrients. Fertilize your plants according to their specific needs and keep them well-hydrated, especially during hot weather. 

Prune plants as needed to encourage healthy growth and flowering. And add mulch to retain moisture and control weed growth.

Maximize Summer Fun

Make your backyard a haven for relaxation and fun. Set up a designated area for drying towels and swimsuits to prevent dampness and mildew. Consider hanging a hammock for afternoon naps or stringing up some lights for evening gatherings.

Inspect & Repair Fencing

While you did a thorough inspection in the spring, damage can occur during the summer months.  Check your fences for loose or damaged boards. Repair or replace any damaged sections to keep your yard secure.

PRINTABLE Home Maintenance Cheat Sheet for June

Ready to get started? Download your printable Home Maintenance Cheat Sheet for June below and tick off these essential tasks as you complete them! 

Feel free to customize this checklist and article to better fit your specific needs or preferences

Any issues? Problems? Suggestions? Be sure to reach out! Click here to contact me.

Ready for next month?


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[Note: My posts are proudly connected to these amazing link parties full of DIY ideas and inspiration!]

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