Last Updated on March 21, 2024
I’ve never met a single homeowner who gets excited about cleaning their home’s windows. Personally, I drag my feet and procrastinate cleaning my windows. But when I do kick into gear, I use these 25 tips for washing windows to get them sparkling clean.
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Researching this post was a bit of an eye-opener for me. Turns out I’m doing A LOT wrong when I wash my windows – wrong tools, wrong techniques, etc. And you might be making the same mistakes too.
Here’s some amazing tips from 15+ experts, from window manufacturers, to professional window washers, to home/ DIY online magazines and bloggers.
1. What is the Best Season to Clean Windows?
It’s common knowledge that springtime is the best season for cleaning windows, right? Well, that’s not 100% correct.
Yes, the ultimate time of year to clean windows is in the spring and remove all the dirt left behind from crummy winter weather.
But spring also brings pollen. Lots of it in some areas, like mine in the Northeast.
So the best time to wash windows is actually two times a year. Once in spring to remove the winter grit and again in the summer to remove the sprintime pollen.
2. Can You Wash Windows in the Winter?
While spring and summer are ideal, don’t fret if you procrastinate and drag your feet like me. You can still wash your windows in the dead of winter.
Just add some windshield washing solution to your cleaning solution so water doesn’t freeze on the glass.
3. Is It Better to Wash Windows When Sunny or Cloudy?
The ideal weather conditions for washing your windows is during an overcast or cloudy day with little to no breeze.
Why? Because in sunny or windy weather, your cleaning solution will dry faster. And if it dries before you get the chance to wipte it away, the soap might dry on the glass surface and leave a haze.
4. What is the Ideal Time of Day to Wash Windows?
The best time to wash windows is early in the morning. Be sure to beat the heat of mid-day and afternoon, which has the ability to dry the soap and leave streak marks behind.
5. How Do the Professionals Clean Windows?
Washing windows may seem like a simple task. But as I’m diving into researching ways to better clean my house (especially the kitchen and bathroom), I’m learning there are specific techniques and tools that make it look professionally cleaned.
And I’d be a fool not to consider their recommendations and try them out, right?
Experts tend to recommend these following 4 steps to cleaning windows. I’ll dive further into the tools and techniques below.
- Make your own window washing fluid
- Use a scrubber with a handle
- Squeegee windows to remove excess moisture
- Dry windows with microfiber cloth
6. How Do I Make Homemade Window Washer Fluid?
While a few experts mentioned a commercial cleaning fluid available on the market, the majority preferred a simple solution of dish soap and water.
Simply add a few drops of dish washing liquid (especially Dawn) into a bucket of warm fresh water. That’s it!
As an alternative to dishsoap, you could make all-natural window cleaning solution by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and hot water.
7. What Do Professionals Use to Scrub Windows?
The experts’ secret to loosen tough dirt and grime from window glass is choosing the correct tool.
And that tool is a window scrubber with a handle. Very few experts used newspapers or paper towels.
The best window scrubbers have removeable microfiber sleeves that you can machine-wash and reuse.
Why microfiber? Two reasons: One, it scrubs gently, yet still effectively. Two, it holds more water than an ordinary cloth (one website says 6x more!), which makes cleaning go easier and faster.
Unger, a Midwest-based company with roots back to the 1930s in Detroit, sell various sizes of window scrubbers pictured here on Amazon (4.7 rating, based on ~1,500 reviews, February 2023).
8. Which Direction Should I Wash My Windows?
Using the window scrubber with handle, clean the glass making a long stroke “S” pattern.
How exactly do you create an “S” pattern? Start in the upper corner of the window and pull the scrubber horizontally across the window. At the opposite corner, turn the scrubber, lower it to the water line, then pull it across the window again. Continue until you reach the bottom of the glass.
9. Do I Really Need a Squeegee?
Yup, according to experts. Once the window is washed, don’t let the water stay. You need to remove the excess moisture. And the best way to do that is with a squeegee.
10. What’s the Best Way to Use a Squeegee?
Like with all cleaning tools, there are recommended tips on how to best use a squeegee. And they don’t sound too hard.
Create Dry Edge
First, create a “dry edge” or “clean strip” by wiping with a microfiber towel. If you plan to wipe the squeegee down the window horizontally, create the dry edge along the size of the window glass. If you plan to wipe down vertically, create the dry edge along the top of the window glass. (see picture below for example)
Hold at Angle
Hold the squeegee’s handle at about a 30 degree angle to the glass. How do you know what 30 degrees is? Rest 2 fingers under the handle to that your fingers tough the glass and handle at the same time.
Pull Gently
Place the squeegee on the dry edge and pull gently, cleaning the glass. It works best if you relax your hand while holding onto the squeegee handle.
Dry Squeegee
After every pass over the glass, use a microfiber cloth to wipe the squeegee dry.
Lastly, wipe different directions for the inside and outside window. In other words, run the squeegee on one side of the window horizontally and the other vertically.
Why? According to Sears Home Services, if any streaks do form, you’ll easily know whether they’re on the outside or the inside.
11. Should Windows Be Dried After Washing?
That’s another yes. And microfiber is the towel of choice for window cleaning experts since ALL of the experts recommended finishing up the job of cleaning windows with a microfiber cloth.
Using your microfiber cloth, wipe up any excess moisture, especially around the window frame and corners.
Making sure the windows dry quickly help prevent water spots and streaks from forming.
12. How Do I Reach Second Floor Windows?
Melissa Maker from Clean My Space uses this handy two-in-one combo window scrubber and squeegee like this one on Amazon to reach high windows. It comes in a variety of sizes and has favorable reviews.
To reach upper story windows, this scrubber has a threaded end so that you can attach it to a telescopic pole to extended your reach to clean upper level windows while keeping your feet on the ground.
13. How Do You Clean Outside Windows From the Inside?
Ok, number one – NEVER climb out the window-ledge to clean the outside windows. It puts your life in serious jeopardy.
14. Why Do My Windows Have Streaks?
One of the most annoying things about washing windows (besides the actual act of washing them) is seeing streaks after they dry.
Why do these streaks appear? According to Clean and Clear, an award-winning window cleaning service based in Minneapolis and St. Paul, there’s a 3 reasons:
- Weather: Washing windows in direct sunlight speeds up the drying process
- Type of Cleaner: Some cleaners are more apt to cause streaks. Why? Faster evaporation rate. If you’re cleaning windows on a warm sunny day, the liquid part of the solution evaporates quickly and leaves behind a residue that appears as streaks.
- Type of Towel: Unabsorbant towels spread dirt and moisture instead of removing them. It Use a microfiber tower. It’s important to use new towels that are designated just for window cleaning, versus re-use ones that still may have residues remaining from previous cleanings.
15. What’s the Best Way to Clean Windows to Avoid Streaks?
But if you have washed your windows and those pesky streaks appear, don’t fret. There is a way to get rid of them without starting from scratch. (WHEW!)
The best tip on removing streaks after you have washed windows? A blackboard chalk eraser.
Yup, feel like a kid in elementary school again (ok, I’m aging myself since they have whiteboards now). Pick up a brand new blackboard chalk eraser and rub it across your windows.
It won’t erase all of your problems (HA! get it? C’mon! That was a tiny bit funny, right??) but it should help with most of the pesky streaks and avoid having to re-wash those windows.
16. How Do You Tackle Sticky Residue on Windows?
It’s bad enough to have to deal with dirt on your windows, but the stubborn sticky stuff? Good gosh.
Luckily there’s a variety of options to help fight through this gunk, according to Offbeat Bros and Family Handyman such as:
- Loosen sticky residue left from labels or tape by soaking it with a specialty product like WD-40 or Goof Off. If you want a homemade recipe for tackling sticky and grimy windows, read Betty’s Battle of the Homemade Glass Cleaners.
- Remove tree pitch or bug droppings with a fine (white) nylon scrub pad. Wet the glass first and rub in an inconspicuous area to make sure you’re not scratching the glass.
17. How Do You Remove Scratches From Windows?
Got a scratch on the window? Don’t worry! Here’s two easy solutions to tackle that scratch:
1. Toothpaste
After thoroughly cleaning and drying the surface, apply a dot of white, non-gel toothpaste (preferably containing baking soda) to a damp, lint-free cloth. Using small, circular motions, rub the paste into the scratch for about 30 seconds. Wipe off the excess toothpaste with the cloth, and inspect for signs of improvement.
2. Clear Nail Polish
Spread a thin layer of clear nail polish with the brush applicator over the entire scratch. Let the polish dry for about an hour.
Then wipe it away with a clean, dry cloth dipped in nail polish remover to dissolve any polish left behind on the surface of the glass.
18. How Do You Remove Paint Specks from Window Glass?
If you are not the neatest painter (I have my hand raised…) you might have some paint specks on your window glass from painting.
The best way to remove paint specks (and even labels) is with a razor blade mounted in a holder. A few tips to help you through:
- Always use a new blade to avoid scratching the glass.
- Wet the window first and push the blade across once.
- Rinse the blade and repeat on the next section to avoid trapping debris under the blade that could scratch the glass.
- Don’t use a razor blade on tempered glass.
19. What’s the Quickest Way to Handle Dirty Window Screens?
Over time, window screens accumuate dust, spider webs, pollen and dirt. Ick, am I right? What’s the quick and easiest way to get them clean again?
If your screens are not terribly dirty, you don’t need to go through all the hard word of removing them to clean. Try one of these 3 ways for a quick refresh:
- Lint brush: Run a basic lint roller over the screens to collect dirt and dust
- Magic Eraser: Wipe screens with a wet extra-strength Magic Eraser
- Microfiber cloth: Julie at Frugally Blonde found just running a microfiber cloth cleaned screens in 20 minutes.
20. What is My Window Screens are Incredibly Dirty?
If they are beyond a quick clean, first my apologizes. Second, wait for a nice day outside and follow these instructions from Home Made Simple:
- Remove screens and lay on tarp
- Rinse with garden hose set to lightest setting
- Lightly scrub in small, circular motions using a cleaning solution of warm water + white vinegar at a 1:1 ratio
- Rinse and towel dry
21. How Do I Remove Rust on Window Screens?
Screens gone rusty? Country Living Magazine has a fool-proof solution for rusty screens that involves household ingredients – vinegar, baking soda, water – and a bit of patience.
22. How Do You Clean Window Sills and Tracks?
The window track is a magnet for dirt, dust and dead bugs. Quite frankly, it can get disgusting (or at least at my house it does…).
To get to the “big stuff” I first use my vacuum with the soft brush attachment.
But to remove the stubborn dirt and get those tracks sparkling again, fellow blogger Simply Stacie recommends these tips:
- Buy a bunch of art supply brushes with the sponge tips. Get a brush size that easily fits into the track.
- Dip the brushes in your cleaner and run it along the tracks.
- If the tracks are especially grimy, sprinkle the tracks with baking soda, and then sprinkle on a little white vinegar. This is the same recipe for those elementary school science project volcanoes, so go easy!
- Let it bubble and after a few minutes, scrape out the tracks with an old toothbrush or clean cloth.
23. How Do You Remove Mold from Window Sills?
If you happen to have mold on your window sills, the team at One Crazy House uses a mixture of vinegar and tea tree oil.
Put it in a spray bottle, let it sit for about 30 minutes, and then wipe it away.
24. What if I see Gaps in the Window Framing and Sills?
Washing your windows is the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at the intergrity of your windows. Check the window glass for any cracks. Do the windows open and shut easily? Are there any gaps in the window frame or sills?
If you have gaps, or places where cold air will seep in come wintertime, avoid drafty windows by adding a “Caulk and Seal Windows” to your home maintenance checklist.
25. Any Words of Wisdom for Cleaning New Windows?
I’m not a home expert (nor play one of tv), but a rule I try to abide by is to refer to my user guides for the care and maintenance for my home, especially building components and appliances.
Most of the time my question has been answered directly by the manufacturer right in the manual.
Referring to user guides give you cleaning and maintenance tips straight for the company who manufactured the product. And who else best know their products better???
Plus, if you follow their recommendations and something goes haywire and damaged, it might help with the warranty. The last thing you would want to do it plop down a lot of money for new windows, only to clean them outside of the terms and conditions of the warranty and not have replacements covered. Yikes!!
I do not have new windows. But out of curiosity, I checked out some of the major window manufacturers in the US. And some, specifically Renewal by Anderson, had specific and thorough cleaning instructions. And some of their models, such as windows treated with HeatLock™ Technology (I don’t know what this coating is is, but sounds pretty snazzy) has clear, precise instructions on what to use (and more importantly what NOT to use) to avoid permanent damage.
25. How Can I Wash Windows Quickly?
Ok, ok, so this isn’t a question for the experts. This is me asking the question. And the answer is – more than 2 hands. Enlist your family. Window washing isn’t rocket science. Turn up the tunes on the radio and recruit your family to help you. It’s one of the many home maintenance chores that the entire family can do.
You’ll just need a more than one set of tools.
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***This post was featured in A Stroll Thru Life Inspire Me Tuesday***
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