14 Key Safety Tips for New Homeowners

Congratulations on your new home! As you embark on this exciting new adventure of homeownership, ensure that you protect your newest investment by improving the security of your new home.   In the hustle and bustle of moving and settling in, it’s so easy to overlook fortifying your home.  So, I’ve also included a free printable checklist of these safety tips for new homeowners to keep you on track!  

Young couple holding a set of keys to their new house and smiling.  Title includes "14 key safety tips for every new homeowner"


Here’s some home theft stats from The Washington Post that, personally, I think drive home (pun intended 😉) the importance of making home security a top priority during the moving process. 

  • Burglars take about 60 seconds to break into a home. 
  • Most burglaries happen from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
  • Burglaries last only eight to 10 minutes. 

Whew – those stats are worse than I expected.  So…..on that sobering note, here’s the 14 effective safety tips for new homeowners.  Keeping track of everything while moving into a new house can be overwhelming, from move-in cleaning, setting priorities, to having first-night essentials, so be easy on your self be sure to download the free printable Safety Tips for New Homeowners checklist at the end!  

1. Light It Up

Your new home is obviously awesome and deserves a bit of spotlight, right? The right, well-lit outdoor lighting is like your place saying, “I’m not just a house; I’m a safe, welcome home.” 

And if well-lit, it also warns thieves to stay away.  So how do you lighten up your home and welcome friends and family, and deter thieves?   

  1. Brighten the Entrances:  Light up the pathways up to and around your doors. Not only is extra light a theft deterrent, but you will also cut down the risk of slips and trips from visiting friends and family.
  2. Motion Detectors: Go for the light that switch on when someone steps up to help save on utility bills.

2. Tidy Up Landscaping

Your garden should be more than just a pretty face; it plays a role in your home’s security.  Overgrown landscaping provides the perfect hiding spot for thieves to test area of entry, like windows and doors.  

  • Keep it Trim: Keep landscaping neat and tidy for better visibility of your windows and doors.  While you want some privacy, you also want neighbors and first-responders to see your home from the street.
  • Minimize Rocks: Burglars see large landscaping stones and boulders as stepping stones to hoist themselves in through a window. Use these sparingly.  
  • Add Pain:  This seems a bit mean, but…… planting thorny roses and berries under windows (or cactus in the Southwest) sends a message to not mess around in your yard.

And also be sure to always put away stools and ladders after gardening or doing home maintenance!

3. Lock Doors & Windows

Locking doors and windows may sound like a basic safety tip for new homeowners, but it’s effective. A significant number of home burglaries (30%) occur with thieves entering an open or unlocked door, and another 25% of burglars gaining access through a first-floor window. 

There’s a lot of homeowners out there not locking their doors and windows!

So just locking your doors and windows is an easy first step toward a more secure home.

In addition to getting into the habit of locking doors and windows, the very first thing you should do to increase security at your new house is to change all door locks.  There’s no way to know how the previous owners handled security, nor how many people have keys to the existing locks.

As you change out door locks, check the integrity of window locks. You might be surprised at how many windows don’t lock! Take this as a good opportunity to beef up flimsy doors and windows with sturdier locks.

  • New Locks: Who knows who has extra keys from previous owners
  • Upgrade: Invest in new locks that mean business.

And don’t just stop at the front door.  Don’t forget your garage, which can be an easy point of entry.  If you have a garage opener in your car, make sure your car is always locked.  If you’re a techy person, here’s your chance to geek out and buy more gadgets like a smart garage door opener. 

4. Regular Maintenance

Think of your home like a car; it needs a tune-up now and then. And if you haven’t already, it’s time to pull together your home maintenance plan, which will probably involve seasonal home maintenance. While you performing regular home maintenance, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for things that need to be fixed to improve home security, especially entry points to your property. For example:

  • Routine Check: Make it a habit to ensure all access points are snug.
  • Fences: Check for holes, wobbly bits or areas of weakness  
  • Windows: Inspect for any signs of wear and tear, and promptly address loose or broken parts.

5. Install an Alarm System

Consider giving your home a voice – an alarm system is like your house shouting, “Hey, something’s not right!” There are a ton of different alarm systems out on the market – it can get overwhelming for a first home! Choose one that suits your style – it could be a siren blaring or a subtle notification on your phone – whatever it takes to notify you of any suspicious activity.  It’s not just noise; it’s your home saying, “I’m protected.”

  • Alarm Variety: Pick one that fits your preferences.
  • Smart Notifications: Get alerts on your phone when something’s up.

6. Invest in a Safe

Did you bring some treasures to your new home that you want to keep extra safe? Consider buying a safe for keeping your valuables, well, valuable. Choose an unobvious spot – i.e. not in the master bedroom, but try the bathroom or laundry room.  Set the code, and voila – lockdown!

  • Treasure Guardian: Keep your valuables in a secure spot.
  • Code Confidential: Set a combo only you know.

7. Be Neighborly

This is one of my favorite effective safety tips for new homeowners because not only is it free, it’s the added bonus of gaining a sense of community.   Your neighbors are not just potential July 4th BBQ buddies.  They are also part of your security team.  Look out for each other, and suddenly, your street feels like a small, secure town.  Share contact info.  Help each other out to make your houses look occupied when away on vacation by moving trash bins, parking cars.  

  • Communicate: Seek out a neighbor you can trust.

8. Pet Considerations

Now, let’s not forget our furry friends when improving security measures of your new home!  Your pets aren’t just cuddle buddies; they’re breathing security assets.

Dogs, especially, have a knack for sensing things we might miss (I speak from experience!). Their barks can act as an early warning system, alerting you to potential intruders.

We love our dog Dulce, but she sheds like there is no tomorrow! One of the reasons we love our robotic vacuum #sato #doghair #vacuum #easycleaning
Our dog Dulce, a key part of our home’s security!

However, when beefing up security, consider your pets’ needs too. If you’re installing an alarm system, ensure it doesn’t stress out your pets with loud noises.  Find a balance between security and pet comfort.

  • Barking Brigade: Dogs can be your audible alarm system.
  • Pet-Friendly Tech: Opt for security systems with noises that won’t upset your pet.

9. Digital Security

Let’s move inside and secure the virtual side of your home.  If you aren’t tech savvy like me, don’t worry, you can do this!

Your Wi-Fi is the gatekeeper of your online world. Give it a solid password, tougher than the turkey on Chevy Chase’s dining room table in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.  And add all the guardian software you feel comfortable buying as listed below.

  • Mighty Password: Make it strong, like really strong.
  • Superhero Encryption: Activate WPA3 for an extra layer of protection.
  • Antivirus Arsenal: Get the good stuff to fend off digital invaders.
  • Firewall Fortress: Create a barrier against unwanted virtual guests.

No need to be a tech genius; just a few smart moves, and your digital home will be as secure as Fort Knox.

10. Use Home Automation

Home automation gives you remote (or scheduled) control of your lights, door locks, security cameras, thermostat, even the television!  These “smart homes” are like having a butler, but without paying for salary and benefits.

The best way to use this technology is to set to to your home routine so that it looks like you are happily at home and deter burglars.  

  • Smart Locks: No more fumbling with keys. (if you stick with traditional keys make sure you hide a set of spare keys!)
  • Automated System: Lights, thermostat – not only feels like someone is home, but also saves on energy bills.

11. Security Camera Surveillance

Security cameras are one of the most effective safety tips for new homeowners.  Until last month (when I was gifted a Ring for Christmas), I realized it’s not about being paranoid; it’s about being proactive. A smart home, is a safe home. 

They don’t just record; they deter. It’s like having a “No Trespassing” sign that can see and report. Place them strategically – by entrances, the backyard, or any blind spots. Make sure they’re visible; it’s like showing off your security muscle.

  • Strategic Placement: Put them where they can see it all.
  • Mobile Access: Opt for systems that let you check in, even from your cozy couch.

12. Identity Theft

Let’s talk about protecting your digital you. Shred those important documents before tossing them out or recycling them.  Secure your mail and packages, so your personal info stays personal.

  • Shred Before You Toss: Make those documents unreadable.
  • Mail Security: Keep mail and packages away from porch pirates.

 In the age of digital everything, protecting your identity is key. Shred documents with personal information and secure your mail.  Sure, you might at first think it sounds paranoid, but it’s not.  It’s about putting up barriers against potential identity thieves.

13. Prevent Fires

Safety isn’t just about intruders; it’s also about keeping your home safe from disaster.  And that includes fire hazards and fire prevention.  Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher (actually one of my favorite housewarming gifts).  Place it strategically, and know how to work it like a pro.

  • Extinguisher Placement: Keep it within reach of potential fire zones.
  • Working Detectors:  Ensure carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors are active
  • Escape Plan: Develop and practice escape routes with all your family members.  

14. In Case of an Emergency

Being prepared for an emergency isn’t about expecting the worst; it’s about being ready for anything.  Like developing an escape plan in case of a fire, sit down, gather the troops (family or roommates), and chalk out a plan. What do you do when the smoke alarms go off? Where’s the meeting point? Who’s responsible for grabbing the emergency kit? It’s not about being a worrywart; it’s about having a game plan everyone’s on board with.

  • Family Huddle: Get everyone involved in the emergency plan.
  • Meeting Point: Establish a spot that’s easy to remember where everyone gathers

Effective Safety Tips for Homeowners Printable!

Ok – let’s keep this all straight with this downloadable and printable pdf Effective Safety Tips for New Homeowners checklist. Let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or even suggestions!

pdf checklist with 1 safety tips for new homeowners

Wrapping it Up

Remember: your home is more than walls and a roof; it’s your sanctuary. By incorporating these effective safety tips for new homeowners, you’re not just improving the security of a house, you’re creating a home and peace of mind! Stay safe!

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